Introducing digital publications from Hermetic Library, including periodic issues of the Hermetic Library Zine.
Each zine is a wild and wooly whatever of occultura and esoterrata compiled together, generally related to Hermetic Library's overall mission of archiving, engaging and encouraging the living Esoteric Tradition, Hermeticism, Aleister Crowley's Thelema, and much more. Open Access Occultism for over 25 years.
If you'd like to participate, consider sending something you've created as a submission for the Zine, or pitch your idea for a new work.
Follow the Hermetic Library Zine on the library blog for news and announcements. If you have any ideas, comments, or questions get in touch with the Librarian.
Other digital publications, such as collections of Aethyrs comics, and who knows what else, will appear here also.
Patrons with a Digital Exchange perk get ongoing gratis downloads for all publications, both old and new.
I have also added Hermetic Library Anthology Album releases, as another place where they can be found. Follow along with the Hermetic Library Anthology posts on the library blog for the annual call for submissions and other anthology news.
I would especially like to take a moment to thank each and every ongoing supporter and Patron for helping to make these digital publications and all the work of the library possible.