This Is Not An Hermetic Library Anthology Album -6

2024 / Album

Released: November 28, 2024 (US Thanksgiving)

For full artist profiles and more, please head to This Is Not An Hermetic Library Anthology Album -6 at the Hermetic Library site.

This Is Not An Hermetic Library Anthology Album -6 is a special alternative release in 2024 exclusive just for supporters of Hermetic Library. This playlist has 9 tracks by 9 artists, with both old and new voices to the project this year!

Please join the Hermetic Library in promoting these artists who have contributed their work to this benefit anthology album project. Please also spread the word about these anthology albums to people you think may be interested in the work of artists who combine magick, music and ritual.

The best way to add new releases, as well as previous releases and future Hermetic Library Anthology albums, to your personal music collection is through the Patron campaign at Patreon by pledging for a tier that has a digital perk. However, This Is Not An Hermetic Library Anthology Album! Whilst new Patrons receive a gratis download code for the previous anthology along with all new releases as long as they are active in addition to all the other patronage rewards they may receive, only those with a digital perk also get immediate access to the entire back-catalog of these supporter-exclusives. Consider becoming a Patron today!

Release Notes

For 2024, in addition to Magick, Music and Ritual 19, due in December, I am releasing this supporter-exclusive issue. I asked each participant in the regular anthology issue to also submit something for this this additional release. So with extra gratitude their way, those who were kind enough to submit additional material, here is this special new issue exclusive to supporters, either Patrons on Patreon active at the time of release, or as part of their gratis TINAHLAA back catalog for those Patrons with a Digital perk. This, then, is a thank you gift just for those who offer their ongoing support for the library and my work as the librarian, from both myself and these artists.

One more thing: like last year, instead of being in no particular order, this is an actual intentional playlist. Furthermore, this playlist is intended to join with Magick, Music and Ritual 19 to form an even larger sequence, along with forming part of the entire anthology sequence. I recommend adding this album between the canonical anthology releases from last year and this year in the overall order, as that's where I built it to go. But, you do you!

To both participants and supporters, I say happy and hearty Thanksgiving day, and, moreover, thank you, thank you, thank you! 

— John Griogair Bell

Production and design by John Griogair Bell. 

All songs used with permission. All rights reserved.


This soundtrack is currently unavailable

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